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Validate, Empower, Create Value

VALIDATOR1 (V1) is a ‘Blockchain Ecosystem Builder,’ with the ultimate vision of a more decentralized society. V1 nourishes the blockchain ecosystem through its experiences in infrastructure, governance, and community.

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We are

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    Infrastructure Development
    and Operations

    V1 specializes in an infrastructure development which includes failover response, scalability, and security to ensure stable node operation.

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    V1 actively works on important governance projects for a protocol. We have actively participated in ECAF, WPS and EOS Alliance.

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    Our social network channel boasts over 4,000 followers. We hosted Seoul Meetup (300 Attendees) and DApp Festa(600 Attendees).


  • validator portfolio eosio


    DPoS Protocol

    EOS is a 3rd generation blockchain based on DPoS consensus algorithm. EOSYS is a founding block producer on the EOS.IO mainnet.

  • validator portfolio worbli


    DPoS Protocol

    Worbli is a blockchain for Financial Services Network that is fully compliant with financial regulation. EOSYS is the Founding Reserve Block Producer of Worbli.


  • Taegun

    Team Lead

    Taegeun is responsible for business planning and decision support at Validator1. He previously served as a team leader at Tokenomia of ChainPartners and directed the Reverse ICO consulting, including Token Economy design. He majored in Civil Engineering at Seoul National University and worked on strategic planning at Kookmin Bank and Kakao Bank

  • Kevin

    UX Designer


    Kevin Ahn leads the business development of Validator1. He founded the second biggest crypto youtube channel called [Bticoin] Killawhale. He studied Art & Technology at Sogang University

  • Alex

    Software Engineer


    Sung Du (Alex) leads system development and manages the infrastructure of Validator1. Previously, he worked as a software engineer at a startup and Republic of Korea Cyber Command. He has a BS in mathematics at University of Maryland.

  • Lievin

    Commercial Partnership


    Lievin, based on his experience of leading EOSYS, provides guidance and direction to Validator1 for the purpose of acheiving the vision of Blockchain Ecosystem Builder. He studied business management at Yonsei University.

  • Orchid

    Business Development


    As a global business developer of EOSYS, Orchid brings new ideas and strategy to the table. She also helps make fruitful partnerships. Before, she accomplished both a master's degree in cognitive science and a BA in Yonsei University.


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  • validator partner tokenomia
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